Burkina Faso
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Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in the middle of the West African Sahel region. It is a low-income Sahelian country with limited natural resources. Its economy is largely based on agriculture, which employs 80% of the workforce, although gold exports have increased. Burkina Faso faces a number of development challenges. It currently ranks 144th among 157 countries (2020) on the human capital index. The country’s population is approximately 20.1 million (2020) people, of which 40.1% of its population lives below the national poverty line. Burkina Faso is prone to chronic drought, flash floods, windstorms, and disease outbreaks from impacts of climate change. The country’s soils are largely degraded and when rainfall declines, dust storms occur, or temperature spikes, food supplies/yields are immediately affected, thus further impacting its population and economy.

Credits: World Bank

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Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in the middle of the West African Sahel region. It is a low-income Sahelian country with limited natural resources. Its economy is largely based on agriculture, which employs 80% of the workforce, although gold exports have increased. Burkina Faso faces a number of development challenges. It currently ranks 144th among 157 countries (2020) on the human capital index. The country’s population is approximately 20.1 million (2020) people, of which 40.1% of its population lives below the national poverty line. Burkina Faso is prone to chronic drought, flash floods, windstorms, and disease outbreaks from impacts of climate change. The country’s soils are largely degraded and when rainfall declines, dust storms occur, or temperature spikes, food supplies/yields are immediately affected, thus further impacting its population and economy.

Credits: World Bank

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Global Database on Sustainable Land Management (SLM)

The Global SLM Database contains over 1500 SLM practices from all over the world.

The objective of documenting and assessing SLM practices is to share and spread valuable knowledge in land management, support evidence-based decision-making, and scale up identified good practices, thereby contributing to preventing and reducing land degradation and to restoring degraded land.


Summary Chart

Current State

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Land Degradation Neutrality


National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans under the Convention on Biological Diversity


Nationally Determined Contributions embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.


Bonn Challenge
Bring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030
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