Central African Republic
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The Central African Republic, herein CAR, is a landlocked country in Central Africa, located between 2º and 11º latitude north, and 13º and 27º longitude east. It has a total land area of 623,000 km2 and shares borders to the north with Chad, to the northeast with Sudan, to the east with South Sudan, in the south by the Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo, and to the west with Cameroon. The country’s terrain consists of a vast peneplain dominated by two mountain ranges at the eastern and western ends. These are joined by a central ‘spine’, which separates the two principle drainage sources for the country: the Chari-Longue Basin in the north, and Congo Basin in the south. Due to the country’s location, CAR has a relatively favorable climate conditions, that are primarily hot and humid, characterized by a dry and rainy season. CAR has a population of just over 4.7 million people (2019) with an annual population growth rate of 1.7%. Approximately 41.4% of the population currently lives in urban areas. This is projected to increase to 48% and 60% of the population by 2030 and 2050, respectively. Despite its relatively recent positive growth, poverty remains pervasive and elevated and as of 2017 it is estimated that approximately 71% of the population lives below the extreme poverty rate (

Credits: World Bank

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The Central African Republic, herein CAR, is a landlocked country in Central Africa, located between 2º and 11º latitude north, and 13º and 27º longitude east. It has a total land area of 623,000 km2 and shares borders to the north with Chad, to the northeast with Sudan, to the east with South Sudan, in the south by the Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo, and to the west with Cameroon. The country’s terrain consists of a vast peneplain dominated by two mountain ranges at the eastern and western ends. These are joined by a central ‘spine’, which separates the two principle drainage sources for the country: the Chari-Longue Basin in the north, and Congo Basin in the south. Due to the country’s location, CAR has a relatively favorable climate conditions, that are primarily hot and humid, characterized by a dry and rainy season. CAR has a population of just over 4.7 million people (2019) with an annual population growth rate of 1.7%. Approximately 41.4% of the population currently lives in urban areas. This is projected to increase to 48% and 60% of the population by 2030 and 2050, respectively. Despite its relatively recent positive growth, poverty remains pervasive and elevated and as of 2017 it is estimated that approximately 71% of the population lives below the extreme poverty rate (

Credits: World Bank

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Global Database on Sustainable Land Management (SLM)

The Global SLM Database contains over 1500 SLM practices from all over the world.

The objective of documenting and assessing SLM practices is to share and spread valuable knowledge in land management, support evidence-based decision-making, and scale up identified good practices, thereby contributing to preventing and reducing land degradation and to restoring degraded land.


Summary Chart

Current State

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Land Degradation Neutrality


National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans under the Convention on Biological Diversity


Nationally Determined Contributions embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.


Bonn Challenge
Bring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030
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